I’d like to share with you a foundation makeup product that works wonderfully for photo shoots and also a few tips:
I have discovered a foundation that works really well for photo shoots. It is not a mousse or a cream tube and it is not a powder. Believe it or not it comes as a solid compact cream and small amounts go a long way. It is also pretty clean in terms of ingredients.
The way it is applied is with a wet sponge and it makes it so that you really don’t waste product, and you can layer it in. It works well both for young skin and mature skin. I want to emphasize that it LOOKS really great, it also feels light. It is not the same FEEL as having is sheer mineral tinted sunscreen or cream foundation. I am “speaking” as a photographer from the viewpoint of what looks fantastic on camera, or on stage. It looks clean and natural, perfected and real. I’m not a certified makeup artist I just wanted to share something that I witnessed incamera to work well.
Sometimes my clients ask me what makeup products they should use, or how they should do their makeup so it looks good on camera. I have personally used this myself and also used it on photo shoots and I have very much noticed a big difference. It eliminates large pores visibility and the visibility of things that are not necessary to be seen if you prefer not, such as wrinkles, dark spots etc. It’s kind of like Photoshop but with make-up. With your skin primed and prepared properly, and the foundation delicately applied in layers with patience, not rushed, it makes a difference.
Taking it a step further, I want to say that having very well applied make-up is a game changer in a photo shoot. You feel amazing, you look amazing, your confidence and the way you position yourself and your certainty is boosted and it’s an overall great way to set up for a photo shoot. The natural “no make up look“ is still definitely with make up on your face, it is just a natural look as opposed to a “glamorous look” or other style of makeup.
There are ways to also prep your skin before having a make-up session and a photo shoot session. Exfoliating your skin a day or so before is definitely a good idea.
Here is a product that gently exfoliates: https://www.limelifebyalcone.com/cristinabernes/product/LLSCTP15PK?parentCategoryKey=skincare&category=Cleansers
Getting a good nights sleep the day before the photo shoot and a few days before that as well. Being very well hydrated. Being well fed before a Photoshoot it’s also good idea. It really does take energy to be out there and create. All these elements coming together are such a game changer, so that Is why I wanted to share this. If you’d like to obtain the foundation that I described above you can do so with this link: https://www.limelifebyalcone.com/cristinabernes/product/AAHBFM
You can come and see me and do a photo shoot with me. While you’re here you can also try on the foundation you’d like, As I have samples of different foundation colors in my photoshoot make-up kit, or I can have my makeup artist help to pick the right color. The regular size foundation costs $36. It lasts more than regular foundation because less product is needed. Disclaimer: If you are on stage and on camera every single day you might use more than the normal person, otherwise this could last 6-9 months
You can click on those links and purchase the products if you know your color or message me if you need help figuring out the right color foundation and I’ll help you with my makeup artist.
If you are ready to book a Photoshoot with me, I am booking shoots for June 23 onward, during weekends.
If you have any questions please feel free to message me on the website, on instagram, by text (626-720-9826) or write me an email Cristinaphotographia@protonmail.com.
I look forward to to hearing from you!